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dc.contributor.authorChandra, Amit-
dc.contributor.authorMullan, Paul-
dc.contributor.authorHo-Foster, Ari-
dc.contributor.authorLangeveldt, Antanoid-
dc.contributor.authorCaruso, Ngaire-
dc.contributor.authorMotsumi, Joseph-
dc.contributor.authorKestler, Andrew-
dc.identifier.citationChandra, A. et al. (2014) Epidemiology of patients presenting to the emergency centre of Princess Marina Hospital in Gaborone, Botswana. African Journal of Emergency Medicineen_US
dc.description.abstractIntroduction: Emergency medicine is a newly recognized specialty in Botswana and the country launched an emergency medicine residency in January 2011. Data regarding the practice of emergency medicine in Botswana are limited. This study reviewed 1 year of patient presentations to the emergency centre of Princess Marina Hospital, the country’s main referral hospital located in the capital city, Gaborone. Methods: Epidemiologic data of all patients presenting to the emergency centre between May 2010 and April 2011 were extracted into a database. The diagnoses of a random sample of patient presentations were coded using the categories outlined by the Clinical Classifications Software (CCS) for ICD-10. For ease of analysis, several CCS categories were grouped together for subsequent analysis. Results: 24,905 patient encounters were recorded during the study period. A large proportion of patients were aged between 25 and 50 years old. 20% of patients presented with a traumatic injury. The most common diagnoses across all ages included trauma, pregnancy complications, gastrointestinal disorders, and pneumonia. Conclusion: These results can inform the development of emergency medicine education and acute care systems in Botswana. Introduction: La me´decine d’urgence est une spe´ cialite´ qui n’a e´ te´ reconnue que re´cemment au Botswana; le pays a inaugure´ une re´sidence en me´decine d’urgence enjanvier 2011. Les donne´es relatives a` la pratique de la me´decine d’urgence au Botswana sont limite´ es. Cette e´tude s’inte´resse aux patients qui se sont pre´sente´ s au service des urgences de l’hoˆ pital Princess Marina, le principal centre hospitalier du pays situe´ a` Gaborone, la capitale, sur une anne´ e. Me´thodes: Les donne´es e´pide´miologiques de tous les patients qui se sont pre´sente´ s au service des urgences entre mai 2010 et avril 2011 ont e´ te´ inte´gre´es a` une base de donne´ es. Les diagnostics d’un e´chantillon ale´atoire de patients se pre´sentant dans le service ont e´ te´ code´ s au moyen des cate´gories du logiciel de classification des maladies pour la CIM-10. Afin de faciliter l’analyse, plusieurs logiciels de classification des maladies ont e´ te´ regroupe´ s en vue d’une analyse ulte´rieure. Re´ sultats: 24 905 interactions avec des patients ont e´te´ enregistre´es au cours de la pe´riode concerne´e par l’e´tude. Une large proportion de patients se pre´sentant aux urgences e´ tait aˆ ge´e de 25 a` 50 ans. Vingt pour cent d’entre eux souffraient d’un traumatisme. Les diagnostics les plus courants, tous aˆ ges confondus, e´taient les traumatismes, les complications associe´es a` la grossesse, les troubles gastro-intestinaux et les pneumonies. Conclusion: Ces re´sultats peuvent e´tayer le de´veloppement de l’enseignement de la me´decine d’urgence et les syste`mes de prise en charge active au Botswana.en_US
dc.publisherAfrican Journal of Emergency Medicine,
dc.subjectEpidemiologic dataen_US
dc.subjectEmergency medicineen_US
dc.titleEpidemiology of patients presenting to the emergency centre of Princess Marina Hospital in Gaborone, Botswanaen_US
dc.title.alternativeL’e´pide´miologie des patients se pre´sentant au service des urgences de l’hoˆpital Princess Marina a`Gaborone, au Botswanaen_US
dc.typePublished Articleen_US
dc.rights.holderAfrican Journal of Emergency Medicineen_US
Appears in Collections:Research articles (Dept of Surgery)

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