Now showing items 1-10 of 43
A multivariate test for three-factor Interaction in 3 - way contingency table under the multiplicative model
(Scientific Research Publishing Inc, 2014-06-16)
Two test statistics that have been commonly used in analysing interactions in contingency table are the Pearson’s Chi-square statistic, χ2, and likelihood ratio test statistic, G2. Both test statistics, in tables ...
Geo (λ)/ Geo (μ) +G/2 queues with heterogeneous servers operating under FCFS queue discipline
(Science and Education Publishing,, 2015-03-06)
Please refer to the full text article for the abstract.
The prevelance of, and factors associated with, overweight and obesity in Botswana
(Cambridge University Press;, 2011)
The aim of this study was to estimate the prevalence of, and socio-demographic
factors associated with, overweight and obesity in Botswana. A
cross-sectional survey was conducted in 2007 using a multistage sampling method ...
Political culture as a source of political instability: the case of Lesotho
(Academic Journals,, 2010-04)
This article considers Lesotho’s political history and culture, a political history characterised by rebellious chiefs who had rejected Christianity and who were heavily armed and fought numerous wars against their black ...
Predictors of knowledge about HIV/AIDS among young people: Lessons from Botswana
(Academic Journals:, 2010)
This study sought to identify factors that can predict knowledge about HIV/AIDS among adolescents in
Botswana. The data were collected through a self administered questionnaire from a sample of 1294
students from schools ...
Multiple causes of death models for human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immune deficiency syndrome and related mortality in South Africa in 2006 and 2007
(Dove Medical Press Ltd., 2012)
Background: Predictive models for mortality due to human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) disease as a result of opportunistic infections, such as tuberculosis and pneumonia, have been developed. Methods: The data are taken ...
Knowledge of HIV/AIDS, attitudes towards sexual risk behaviour and perceived behavioural control among college students in Botswana
(Cogent OA,, 2016)
This study examines the knowledge of HIV/AIDS, attitudes towards risky sexual behaviour and perceived behavioural control among students in Botswana. Data were collected from 445 students randomly selected from the University ...
Healthcare providers’ perceptions of the sexual and reproductive health needs (including family planning) of elderly women from selected sites in Botswana
(Scientific Research,, 2012-09)
Much of the sexual and reproductive health services and service delivery including family planning target women of child bearing ages (15 - 49 years) and sometimes men. Hardly are there programmes/interventions that ...
Analysis of the burdens of caregivers providing care to people living with HIV/AIDS in Botswana
(Cogent OA,, 2011)
Background: Caregivers, when providing care under the community home-based care (CHBC) programme, experience many burdens of a physical, emotional, financial or social nature. However, these problems are hardly ever ...
Farmers perceptions and adaptations to climate change in Sub-sahara Africa: a synthesis of empirical studies and implications for public policy in African agriculture
(Canadian Center of Science and Education;, 2013)
The problem of climate in Africa has the potential of undermining sustainable development efforts if steps are not taken to respond to its adverse consequences. This study reviews existing and available literature on farmers ...