Now showing items 1-4 of 4

  • Availability of WHO essential medicines for cancer treatment in Botswana 

    Martei, Yehoda M.; Chiyapo, Sebathu; Ramogola-Masire, Doreen; Dryden-Peterson, Scott M.; Shulman, Lawrence N.; Tapela, Neo (American Society of Clinical Oncology,, 2018-01-23)
    Purpose Stock outs of cancer drugs are potentially fatal but have not been systematically studied in low- and middle-income countries. The aim of this study was to determine the availability and alignment of the Botswana ...
  • Building health system capacity through medical education: a targeted needs assessment to guide development of a structured internal medicine curriculum for medical interns in Botswana 

    Peluso, Michael J.; Tapela, Neo; Langeveldt, John; Williams, Margaret E.; Mochankana, Kagiso; Motseosi, Kebonye; Ricci, Brian; Rodman, Adam; Haverkamp, Cecil; Haverkamp, Miriam; Maoto, Rosa; Luckett, Rebecca; Prozesky, Detlef; Nkomazana, Oathokwa; Barak, Tomer (Annals of Global Health,, 2018)
    Background: Medical internship is the final year of training before independent practice for most doctors in Botswana. Internship training in Botswana faces challenges including variability in participants’ level of ...
  • Explaining disparities in oncology health systems delays and stage at diagnosis between men and women in Botswana: A cohort study 

    Iyer, Hari S.; Kohler, Racquel E.; Ramogola-Masire, Doreen; Brown, Carolyn; Molebatsi, Kesaobaka; Grover, Surbhi; Kablay, Irene; Bvochora-Nsingo, Memory; Efstathiou, Jason, A.; Lockman, Shahin; Tapela, Neo; Dryden-Peterson, Scott L. (Public Library of Science,, 2019-06-06)
    Purpose Men in Botswana present with more advanced cancer than women, leading to poorer outcomes. We sought to explain sex-specific differences in time to and stage at treatment initiation. Methods Cancer patients who ...
  • HIV infection and survival among women with cervical cancer 

    Drysen-Peterson, Scott; Bvochora-Nsingo, Memory; Suneja, Gita; Efstathiou, Jason, A.; Grover, Surbhi; Chiyapo, Sebathu; Ramogola-Masire, Doreen; Kebabonye-Pusoentsi, Malebogo; Clayman, Rebecca; Mapes, Abigail, C.; Tapela, Neo; Asmelash, Aida; Medhin, Heluf; Viswanathan, Akila, N.; Russell, Anthony H.; Lin, Lilie, L.; Kayembe, Mukendi K.A.; Mmalane, Mompati; Randall, Thomas C.; Chabner, Bruce; Lockman, Shahin (American Society of Clinical Oncology,, 2016-08-29)
    Purpose Cervical cancer is the leading cause of cancer death among the 20 million women with HIV worldwide. We sought to determine whether HIV infection affected survival in women with invasive cervical cancer. Patients ...