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dc.contributor.authorGalebole, Winnie
dc.contributor.authorSeru, Lovie E.
dc.contributor.authorKokorwe, Catherine W.
dc.description.abstractResearch has shown that oral presentation or public speaking as it is synonymously called, is a requisite employment skill. Employers generally want employees who are eloquent as only such employees would potentially “sell” their organizations to customers. In the light of this, it has increasingly become necessary to equip University of Botswana students with oral presentation skills alongside their major areas of study to make them relevant and prepared for the world of work. Based on this demand for eloquence by employers, this study explored students’ perceptions on the use of oral presentation as a form of assessment in their year one Professional Communication and Academic Literacy Skills course. The primary aim of this study was to highlight and possibly address issues that students might have when undertaking oral presentation assessment tasks. It also aimed at unearthing reasons for students’ complaints whenever they were given oral presentation tasks, and their thoughts with regard to using oral presentation as a form of assessment.  Using a questionnaire and structured interview methods, this study has unearthed that students have a positive attitude towards oral presentations assessment tasks as they appreciate the value of being a great public speaker in life.en_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Botswana,
dc.sourceLonaka Journal of Learning and Teaching; Vol. 9, No. 2 (2018): pp. 56-68en_US
dc.subjectOral presentationen_US
dc.titleAre they with it? students' perceptions on the use of an oral presentation as a form of assessmenten_US
dc.type.ojsPublished articleen_US

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