Now showing items 241-260 of 2176

  • A Netnographic Analysis of Online Reviews of Restaurant Service in Botswana 

    Chatibura, Delly; Siya, Montle (University of Botswana,, 2018-11-28)
    This paper re-visits the notion of restaurant service performance in Botswana. The primary point of departure from Manwa’s work is that this paper employs Kozinets’ netnographic procedure to achieve its main objective, of ...
  • Regional integration and migrant labour as poverty alleviation strategies in Southern Africa: A case study of Zimbabwe 

    Mogomotsi, Goemeone E.J.; Mogomotsi, Patricia Kefilwe (University of Botswana,, 2018-11-28)
    Africa has numerous regional integration groupings, with at least two or more or more in each sub-region. Many African countries are members of more than one regional groupings. In theory, memberships of more than one ...
  • Japan’s Resource and Energy Diplomacy in Southern Africa: Botswana as a Conduit 

    Manatsha, Boga Thura (University of Botswana,, 2018-11-28)
    Japan primarily relies on resource diplomacy to address its energy and resource insecurity. The Fukushima nuclear disaster in March 2011 exacerbated Japan’s energy insecurity, and forced it to aggressively explore and ...
  • Impact of Health Status and Education on Labour Force Participation in Botswana: An Empirical Study 

    Basuti, Tshegofatso; Narain, Sinha (University of Botswana,, 2017-06-05)
    Impact of health and education on labour force participation in Botswana has been investigated for the period 1982-2013. The main findings were that; an increase of primary school enrolment increases the overall participation ...
  • Enhancing NGO funding by adopting corporate governance practices. The Case of Botswana NGOs 

    Matenge, Tendy M.; Josiah, Jairos; Themba, Godfrey (Botswana Journal of Business,, 2017-06-05)
    The purpose of this paper is to understand the donor market as perceived by NGOs in Botswana in terms of who the major donors are; how, when and why they fund NGOs and the funding challenges NGOs face. The paper then ...
  • Best practice? managing natural resources (Diamonds) in Botswana: some notes 

    Moffat, Boitumelo (Botswana Journal of Business,, 2017-06-05)
    This paper looks into the Botswana diamond framework to promoting diamond production and revenues for inclusive development. In particular, the article investigates whether governance factors affect growth and natural ...
  • Cultural landscapes and tourism development in Botswana: the case of Moremi Gorge in Eastern Botswana 

    Siphambe, Gladys; Mbaiwa, Joseph E.; Pansiri, Jaloni (Botswana Journal of Business,, 2017-06-05)
    Cultural landscapes of tourism are fundamentally contradictory sites considering the interests of all stakeholders involved in their management. Key contradictions relate to cultural authenticity, credibility, and the ...
  • Domestic tourism in Botswana: an examination of nature – based tourism constraints 

    Stone, Lesego S.; Stone, Tibabo M. (Botswana Journal of Business,, 2017-06-05)
    During the last fifty years, Botswana’s economy experienced one of the fastest growth in the world. The country has adopted tourism as one of its economic diversification development pillars, apart from mining and agriculture. ...
  • Botswana Tourism Policy Landscape – successes and challenges 

    Basupi, Biki; Pansiri, Jaloni; Lenao, Monkgogi (Botswana Journal of Business,, 2017-06-05)
    The year 2016 marked Botswana’s 50th Independence Day anniversary. In terms of tourism development, 2016 marked 36 years since the publication of the first policy document aimed at the formalisation and control of tourism ...
  • The evolution of entrepreneurship and small-to-medium business development in Botswana 

    Pansiri, Jaloni; Yalala, Alexander Thabo (Botswana Journal of Business,, 2017-06-05)
    This paper discusses the evolution of entrepreneurship and small-to-medium enterprises development in Botswana. In doing so, the paper traces such developments from the establishment of the National Development Bank in ...
  • An assessment of the evolution of the public sector in Botswana 

    Motshegwa, Baakile (Botswana Journal of Business,, 2017-06-05)
    The Botswana public service started in the pre-colonial era with its administration operated from Mafikeng in South Africa. After independence, the administration moved to Gaborone. The management of the public service ...
  • The history and development of Accounting: an emphasis on Botswana 

    Phatshwane, Percy M.D.; Mbekomize, Christian J. (University of Botswana,, 2017-06-05)
    The accounting profession has contributed significantly to the development of institutions and economies worldwide. Researchers and practitioners continue to engage in various projects which are intended to continue shaping ...
  • Reflections on Botswana’s 2015 Land Policy 

    Ng'ong'ola, Clement (University of Botswana Law Journal,, 2018-07-06)
    This is a study and an interrogation of the Botswana Land Policy approved by the National Assembly on 16 July 2015. This is a review from a legal perspective, appropriately so, because if the Policy prescriptions are faithfully ...
  • Removing a High Court Judge for misbehaviour under the Constitution of Botswana: proposals for reform 

    Lekgowe, Gosego Rockfall (University of Botswana Law Journal,, 2018-07-06)
    There is too much executive control in procedures for removal of judges of the High Court under the Constitution of Botswana. It is the President who determines whether or not a question for the removal of a judge ought ...
  • The role of the judiciary in enhancing constitutional democracy in Botswana 

    Dinokopila, Bonolo Ramadi (University of Botswana Law Journal,, 2018-08-09)
    This article highlights the important role that the judiciary has played in safeguarding Botswana’s constitutional democracy. This role is primarily located in and can be discerned from the courts’ decisions as well as ...
  • Statutory intervention on the duty of disclosure in insurance contracts in Botswana 

    Pfumorodze, Jimcall; Khumalo, Thabo F.; Kamwendo, Tamanda A. (University of Botswana Law Journal,, 2017-09-13)
    One of the most contentious issues in insurance law is the duty of disclosure ininsurance contracts. An insurance contract is dubbed as a contract “uberrimafi dei,” meaning that it is a contract which must be entered into ...
  • Open justice and broadcasting of legal proceedings in Botswana: the need for reform 

    Balule, Badala Tachilisa (University of Botswana Law Journal,, 2017-09-13)
    The principle of open justice is a central tenet of the administration of justicein Botswana. Open justice requires that, as a general rule, courts of lawmust conduct their business publicly unless this could result in ...
  • The doctrine of competence-competence and the Botswana Arbitration Act of 1959: the need for reform 

    Dambe, Baboki (University of Botswana Law Journal,, 2017-09-13)
    The summative intent of this article is to offer an assessment of the conformity or otherwise of the Botswana Arbitration Act of 1959 to the requirements of modern international commercial arbitration. The article indicates ...
  • The trajectory of citizen economic empowerment in Botswana after fifty years: an endless road of hapless policies 

    Lekgowe, Gosego Rockfall (University of Botswana Law Journal,, 2017-09-13)
    Citizen economic empowerment is one of the most aged policies of the Government of Botswana, as was implied in Botswana’s first national economic plan - the Transitional Plan for Social and Economic Development of 1966-1971. ...
  • Damages for wrongful dismissal in Botswana: High Court and Court of Appeal at loggerheads 

    Lekgowe, Gosego Rockfall; Botlhole, Kgotso Sekgele (University of Botswana Law Journal,, 2017-09-13)
    The law exists to govern human affairs – to perform this function; it mustpossess the virtue of clarity and certainty. Courts have a duty to ensure that thelaw is clear and certain. An employee whose contract of employment ...